November….. a Month of Thanks….. Sawyer Samuel Eastridge

Only a few months after saying “I do”, Clay and I were shocked to find out that we were expecting our first child. Scared of what that meant, and filled with worries about failing our child as parents, no one could have prepared us for just how different our lives would become at 9:10am on the morning of May 10, 2011; only nine days after celebrating our first wedding anniversary. He was four weeks early and only weighed in at 5 lbs 10 oz, but that little tiny baby kicked our parenting genes into action, and we haven’t looked back since.

Taking home the one thing that would change the meaning of our existence forever.


As he began to grow, so did our love and connection. Life without our son became unfathomable. He was and still is our drive to be the best we can be.


Every parent has hopes and great expectations for their children. Praying for them every night, to be blessed with intelligence and strength; to stand as great of a chance at being successful in this world as possible. It didn’t take long before Clay and I knew, without a doubt that our son fell nothing short of perfect. We are both so thankful to have been chosen to parent one of the most intelligent, funny, kind hearted and loving little boys I have ever come into contact with.


It is an unexplainable feeling to have watched him grow from a tiny helpless infant. Into a independent two year old, a big boy, and an great big brother to his little sister!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord, for choosing me to be this little boys mommy. It’s such a large responsibly, and I will never stop trying to be the very best mommy, the kind he deserves.


“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new”. ~Rajneesh

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